Why Sound Branding?
Your Benefits:
Media Efficiency
Our Sense of Hearing is Always Active – Check for Yourself
Do you know what impact your sound concept has on customers, partners and employees?
Do your sounds support your brand and work to its advantage? Do they inspire your customers to buy from you, or to use your services? Or do you feel that the current audible signals are not in line with your brand profile? If you answered no to any of these questions, the sounds you are using may be detrimental to your brand.
If this is the case, now is the time to act!
Workshop Brand Experience Sound
You learn:
• How to develop a sound strategy
• What new methods are used and
• How to be well remembered acoustically
Many recognize a city based on sights. Is it possible to recognize sounds as well? In fractions of seconds? Try it out: We’ve prepared two short soundtracks of brand sounds and well-known music.
Recognition )))Awards
After being distinguished with the international awards, Winner Red Dot Award, Gold (Jury) and Gold (Audience) Audio Branding Award, German Design Award follows the Transform Awards Europe.
Awards )))Audio Branding Kongress
Vienna Tourist Board – The Modern Sound of Vienna.
Audio Branding Kongress )))Center Management
Top tunes for the Mall – An individual audio profile as one component of a coherent image makes a brand more unique and recognizable.
Center Management )))Acoustic Brand Management
Increasing the acoustic perception of brands –
In order to make companies and brands “audible” in increasingly competitive markets, strategies, which take note of the whole appearance and leverage the company to the desired image, are needed.
Sound Shapes the Acoustic Image of Your Brand
Sound is everything we perceive acoustically.
Sound branding is the umbrella term for the process of making brands audible.
The sound identity is the entirety of the characteristics that acoustically characterize an entity and distinguish it from others.
Sound architecture plans the interrelation of sound identity between people, space and time. It is based at Sound Strategy on the seven values of stability, usefulness, aesthetics, positivity, liveliness, trust and timelessness.
The key elements of sound branding are acoustic building blocks and basic components.